Indonesia Considers Aviation Fuel Blend With 3% Palm Oil Next Year

Indonesia is studying the implementation of biodiesel blends (B50) containing 50 percent palm oil in 2026, Eniya Listiani Dewi, an official from the Ministry of Energy, told members of parliament on Tuesday. In addition, the Indonesian government is also considering launching a jet fuel blend containing 3 percent palm oil next year. To reduce its dependence on imported diesel, Indonesia has increased the mandatory blend of palm oil in biodiesel from 35% to 40% (B40) this year.

She also revealed that the National Plantation Fund (NPF) plans to allocate Rp35.47 trillion (about $2.2 billion) to support subsidy measures for the country’s mandatory biodiesel program. This series of initiatives is aimed at promoting sustainable development of the palm oil industry and reducing dependence on fossil fuels.