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Promote local biodiesel production with at least 5% renewable fuel by 2026

Adrian Dix, B.C.’s Minister of Energy and Climate Solutions, recently announced that the provincial government will increase the share of Canadian biofuels in transportation fuels, aiming to support local producers, protect jobs, and reduce dependence on foreign energy sources. Under the provincial government’s plan, starting April 1, 2024, diesel biofuels sold in B.C. will have to meet the prescribed requirements of being produced in Canada. This policy will ensure that all biodiesel sold is locally made and meets the percentage produced in Canada requirement, in accordance with the provincial Low Carbon Fuel Standard.

By January 2026, B.C. will further increase the proportion of biofuels used, with the renewable fuel requirement in diesel increasing to between four and eight percent. In addition, starting January 1, 2026, gasoline must contain at least five per cent renewable fuel and is required to be sourced from Canadian production. The move is intended to protect B.C. from an influx of cheap, U.S.-subsidized biofuels into the market and ensure that Ontarians have access to a stable, reliable supply of homegrown fuels.

The policy also emphasizes that supporting local biofuel producers not only helps to ensure energy security, but also promotes economic growth and job creation in B.C. The provincial government is making important amendments to the Low Carbon Fuels Act to prioritize the use of Canadian-produced biofuels, which will provide greater stability to B.C.’s biofuel market.

Local biofuel companies such as Tidewater in Prince George, Parkland in Burnaby and Consolidated in Delta, for example, have been actively involved in the development and implementation of this policy.The B.C. government is working closely with local companies to ensure that the policy promotes sustainable industry growth while balancing environmental The B.C. government has demonstrated its leadership in advancing a clean energy future by working closely with local businesses to ensure the policy promotes a sustainable industry while balancing environmental and economic goals.