In Washington, U.S. and Canadian biofuel producers, concerned about the impact on trade of President Donald … U.S. and Canadian biofuel industries in declineRead more
D&L Industries Considers Second Biodiesel Plant
The Philippine government’s plan to increase the biodiesel blend in diesel fuel presents a significant opportunity … D&L Industries Considers Second Biodiesel PlantRead more
Biodiesel Mandatory Moratorium Causes Negative Impacts
The recent proposal to pause the mandatory 90-day blending of biodiesel with fossil diesel is a … Biodiesel Mandatory Moratorium Causes Negative ImpactsRead more
Brazilian Biodiesel Prices Fall to Lowest Level in 5 Months
Biodiesel prices in Brazil had fallen nearly 7% this year as of early March, according to … Brazilian Biodiesel Prices Fall to Lowest Level in 5 MonthsRead more
Italy ranks fourth in Europe for biofuel production
Gianni Murano, Chairman of the Italian Union for Mobility Energy (UNEM), stated that although the European … Italy ranks fourth in Europe for biofuel productionRead more
Dan-Bunkering Completes Biofuel Refueling for Union Bulk
Dan-Bunkering, a leading global bunker supplier, announced on March 18th that it has successfully completed a … Dan-Bunkering Completes Biofuel Refueling for Union BulkRead more
Eight organizations call for biodiesel tax credit extension
A coalition of eight organizations recently sent a letter to the House Committee on Fundraising urging … Eight organizations call for biodiesel tax credit extensionRead more
Request for moratorium on biodiesel blending due to high prices
On Wednesday, March 12, the Brazilian Union of Fuel and Lubricant Distribution Companies (Sindicom) submitted a … Request for moratorium on biodiesel blending due to high pricesRead more
66 million dollars for a new biodiesel plant
The Bolivian government has taken a key step in the industrialization of energy with the final … 66 million dollars for a new biodiesel plantRead more
German biodiesel blending rate, a record low
According to a March 4 announcement by the German Union for the Promotion of Oilseeds and … German biodiesel blending rate, a record lowRead more